ICCOREIS meets in Sydney eight times during the year. If you wish to attend a meeting, please contact your denominational representative or the ICCOREIS Executive Officer for details.
Each year ICCOREIS hosts a conference, webinar and/or celebration of SRE. For more information go to the Christian SRE website.
SRE Events
If you have an upcoming event that you would like included on the ICCOREIS website, please contact enquiries@iccoreis.asn.au
SRE Training
SRE Essentials Training
If you are a new SRE teacher seeking accreditation or an existing SRE teacher who needs to complete their refresher training and are accredited using the Baptist and ACCC ‘Essentials’ SRE teacher training, there are sessions upcoming.
‘Essentials’ is based on the agreed framework as set out by ICCOREIS NSW Inc and covers the context of SRE, Code of Conduct, Classroom Management, Curriculum (age appropriate and using technology) and the NSW Department of Education policies (including Code of Conduct, Social Media Policy and Controversial Issues in School Policy).
More Information:
Youthworks SRE Training
Youthworks are offer SRE training throughout the year.
A comprehensive list of training and your opportunity to register for training events is found here: https://youthworks.net/sre-training
For further information, please visit www.youthworks.net or email sreoffice@youthworks.net
PY SRE Training
Online SRE training – complete it anytime, anywhere you can get internet.
7 Modules – $70 or one module at a time $20.
Choose Primary or High School focused. Comes with an automatic certificate emailed to the SRE teacher when they achieve 80% in the quiz for each module. The question pool covers all the ICCOREIS Basic Training Standard Outcomes.
Coming Soon: A newly written single renewal module to cover all the Department of Education annual assurance requirements plus the most requested additional training from SRE teachers across the state.
Go to https://training.pynsw.org.au/ or contact Roslyn Deal, SRE Director, Presbyterian Youth roslyndeal@pynsw.org.au 0407760786
Many Individual ICCOREIS members offer SRE Training. For more information go to the Christian SRE website.